Grow Me Well
What is healthy kai?
In Room 8 we are learning to answer questions.
Room 8 have healthy kai everyday.
We know that making healthier choices
is better for our brains and our bodies.
What’s in your lunch box?
LJ said, "I have real fruit in my lunch box".
What do you like eating?
Budgie said," I like eating apples, it's good for my teeth".
Toavalu said, " Bananas are healthy".
Taunuuga said, " I have sandwiches in my lunchbox".
Hayzell said, " I have an egg sandwich".

Samuel said, " Celery is healthy for me".
How can we stay healthy?
Here’s Room 8’s brainstorm.
* eating fruit
*eating vegetables
* excercising
* getting enough rest and sleep
* washing and drying hands properly
* visiting the dentist-looking after our teeth
*drinking water only
Colin said, "Water is the best.
Eat healthy so we won't get diabetes".
We are an only water drinking school!
We would like to say meitaki maata, malo aupito, fa'afetai lava and thank you to our whanau for making our healthy lunches to bring to school everyday.
Water is best for our brains and bodies
Oh yea, yea, yea, yea